Casey De La Rosa
Each June for the past few years, we’ve spent some time looking back on the LGBT characters we know and love (see here and here and the 13 million Google results for ‘Sundance gay’) in celebration of LGBT Pride Month. But what about our heterosexual allies and friends, many of whom have helped us get where we are today? In their honor and as a nod to the heterosexual characters who have entertained us on screen, here’s a list of five gay-friendly films that don’t actually have any LGBT content.
High school is a complicated time for everybody (hang in there, kids – it really does get better), but for those of us who are LGBT, it can be especially difficult as we start to figure ourselves out. Heathers is definitely one of the most interesting portrayals of youth in turmoil. It’s a dark comedy and filled with rich one-liners – both of which have surely propelled its trajectory to an enduring cult classic.
If I have to take a road trip, I want to do it with Kate and Chloe, the wacky heroines who learn to overcome their grade school humiliations by letting go of what other people think and accepting themselves in all their weird and wonderful glory. (Important side note: This movie also has Alicia Silverstone, who OBVIOUSLY starred as Cher Horowitz, who is OBVIOUSLY every gay man’s dream best friend.)
Adore (FKA Two Mothers) (2013)
Naomi Watts and Robin Wright spend a lot of time in bathing suits and with beautiful men, wading into the dark waters of secret and forbidden love. It’s fascinating, gripping, beautiful and emotional, and it reminds us how confusing love and attraction can be.
The Queen of Versailles (2012)
I hereby nominate Jackie Siegel for Grand Marshall of every gay pride parade forever. There’s no doubt that she’d be a lot of fun to hang out with: she’s pretty, she’s funny, and she knows how to live large (as evidenced by her family’s construction of the biggest house in America). Jackie’s gregarious personality brings this documentary to life, but as we witness the effects of an unforeseen economic crisis, we also see the depth of her world, which makes her all the more endearing.
Do I really need to explain this one any further?