Watching ‘The Green Wave’ with Director Ali Samadi Ahadi

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The Green Wave is a significant movie because it can be seen from different perspectives. It is a documentary that reflects a very important historical event in Iran. After 1979 revolution, the Green Movement is the biggest socio-political movement in Iran.

This movie very closely reflects the events as they happened in Iran. Most of the scenes are collected from social media, from the videos that where captured by ordinary people who were present right at the scene on the streets of Tehran. Another value of the movie is its creative and modern method of storytelling. The film’s narrative is effectively told through interviews and video footage in the voices of the people who have witnessed such an historic event.

I’m very happy I watched the movie at the presence of Ali Samadi, the directer, and could talk to him about the movie and hear other audiences’ questions and comments on it. Ali was very honest and helpful, sharing his thoughts and experience with all of us. As an Iranian living in USA, I think that it is absolutely important to watch these types of artistic works together with others and raise our awareness of what is going on in the world we live in.

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