Iranian-American Audience Member Reflects on ‘The Green Wave’

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Michael Mahyar Hojjatie

Mr. Ahadi’s film “The Green Wave” shows the audience a harrowing and poignant look at the contested Iranian election of 2009.

From cleverly created animated sequences of anecdotes of individual experiences to testimonies of people who were present and opinions of outside observers, “The Green Wave” tells the story of a people’s desperate cry for honest representation within the yoke of one of the world’s most ruthless and backwards regime’s attempts to survive in its war against the rest of world while claiming to give itself a shred of legitimacy.

It can be said within reason that the events showcased in the film later transposed to other parts of The Middle East and changed the course of history. Yet Iran’s struggled remains unresolved and the Iranian people still have much more unfinished business to handle. Time will tell if the story told in “The Green Wave” with culminate in ultimate redemption for a people simply asking “WHERE IS MY VOTE?”

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